Saturday, November 24, 2012


on publishing:

I think the greatest motivation to never publish anything are the pictures where people hold a book written by an "'alt lit'" author in front of their face.

Some people take pictures with the book next to their face while drinking a cup of coffee.

The clever pictures are the ones where some other asinine object is used to obscure--you guessed it--a precious face, something quirky or mildly unnerving, like a butterfly net or a fruit.

Just seems mortifying to me.

A person using the physical manifestation of my hard work, a thing I've poured soul and creativity in to, being 'cute' and 'humorous', for a chance at momentary recognition.

Fuck that.

Truth be almost everyone in this reality practices pyrrhic compromise.

I don't get it.

in other news:

The image of a dildo riding a unicycle suddenly appeared in my mind today.  The plastic dick was the color of pink, like the old m.u.s.c.l.e. toys, had no legs, and swayed back and forth while keeping balance.


Click this.

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