Thursday, November 1, 2012


My first Halloween in Hollywood was the day I moved here. So I didn't really celebrate. Nobody told me about the parade. You know the one where over 500,000 people march down the street and close down all traffic. That night it took me 1.5 hours to go 1.5 blocks.

The next Halloween in Hollywood I walked down the boulevard. I could sense the eminent danger all around and decided to take my girl and friend to a bar. I had to pay the door man $40 because I was the only person legally old enough to enter. A few days later I read that we missed some gun fire by about 30 minutes.

The next year I can't really remember how I celebrated. I think I was at a rave or something.

This year I'm sitting at home feeling alone. The constant hum of a helicopter has been background noise for about two and a half hours now. Earlier I got in to an argument with a meth head who demanded I click his car in through the security gate of my apartment building. Leaving the door open in my neighborhood isn't wise, I guess.

 I just read 3 people were shot down the street around 10 pm, aged 14, 17 and 25. The 17-year-old absorbed a bullet in the chest. He's in critical condition.

The LAPD are wearing riot gear while cracking heads open on a street named Hollywood right now. This is truly their holiday.

Fights keep erupting.

I think people have this complete misconception of where I live, like during the day it's some magical place of sun light and movie stars, that if you just wander around with a smile then eventually you'll meet Brad Pitt or some other shit soul, and at night, like it's an everything goes party destination, like you can totally just snort cocaine openly and drink until you feel the need to rape.

People are dumb. Hollywood is one of the grittiest places i've lived.

You won't survive here. You're not strong enough. Stay the fuck away.

Trust me.

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