Friday, November 30, 2012


There's a scene in the movie Jackie Brown I keep thinking about.

Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Deniro are in a parked Volkswagon Bus having a discussion.

They are sitting in the front.  Sam's torso is turned, facing the driver's seat.  Bob keeping his vision straight.

The camera's perspective is from the back of the vehicle.

The location shown outside the windshield is a typical LA street, blurred.

Sam's demeanor is heated but composed, like he's been there before.

Bob is sort of aloof or just really stupid.  It's difficult to tell.

The topic at hand is a missing $510,000, money Deniro was supposed to bring back from a shady hand-off at a mall, money owed to Jackson.

Instead a nondescript shopping bag containing a dozen or so shitty paperbacks and $40,000 in bundled cash was brought.  The $40,000 on top obscuring the books underneath.

Deniro confesses to murdering Jackson's girlfriend in the mall parking lot after the exchange.  She was sarcastically teasing him, so he shot her twice, once in the stomach, once in the chest.

Her death isn't mourned.

Sam keeps asking, where the fuck is my money?

Bob shrugs his shoulders and mutters incoherently in response.

The tone is low-key considering the amount missing.

There is no soundtrack music playing but a latin influenced jazz song is faintly audible as background noise.

After being questioned like a child, Bob admits he encountered a mutual acquaintance during the exchange, a bail bondsman named Max Cherry.

Jackson makes a facial gesture like he just watched the final episode of Roseanne.

He loses his shit a little and starts yelling.

Deniro makes excuses but labels them reasons.  He doesn't seem affected by his mistake.

A gun not visible goes off.

Blood stains the inside of the windshield Bob was staring through.  He looks down towards his stomach.

Bob turns his head to make eye contact with Sam.

He contorts a surprised facial gesture, but there's a latent sadness in it.

Sam whispers, "What the fuck happened to you, man?  Your ass used to be beautiful."

The gun is raised, the barrel pressed to Bob's chest, another shot fired.

This is how I feel about America.

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