Monday, July 9, 2012


I was asked to do a reading.  Well, actually, the invitation was more of a casual demand.  The lady who asked insinuated she would obliterate my dick under the force of her foot if any response was returned other than an emphatic "fuck yes".

I said I had to meditate on the idea and get back to her.  She responded by calling me pussy.  Been cupping my crotch out of fear since.

It's not like I'm a curmudgeon shitting on everything because I hate myself.  I've attended numerous readings before arriving to a conclusion: readings are stupid because they are fucking stupid.

A writer with a small soul and giant ego reads a precious work to a gathering of fellow authors in an unmarked book store, or even worse, a bar, to assuage their inadequate self-image.  Yeah, man, totally sounds like a night of perpetual smiles.

The worst type of reader are the pricks who bask in the attention, force puke a slew of poorly timed jokes, and prattle about a soft existence.  Then they read in a tone like a librarian's climax.
The listeners are worse.  Needy writers with boring lives foraging for any spatial freedom to talk about themselves to other dickheads who share the same agenda.  Newsflash: validation is not my preferred drug, it's yours.

Another reason I'm against readings is my attention span has the circumference of a jellyfish pussy.  Bullshit bores me quick.  When I get bored I revert back to inner dialogue, which is mostly comprised of me shitting on popular ideas or my environment.  Then I vocalize. Then people get ass sorrow.  Then I'm ostracized.

I've spent my entire life making myself laugh to cope with loneliness.  I will not stop.  Everything is humorous.  Get over it.

Did you know there was a time when an author read his shit to a crowd of fans who genuinely wanted the performance.  Crazy, huh?

If one person, doesn't have to be a fan, says "hey jereme, I want to hear you read." without a hidden agenda, I'll accept the invitation--I will read.

Now is your chance.  Convince me.


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