Saturday, July 21, 2012


The old blogger required an additional module be installed for web logging.  I purposely didn't utilize it.  Statistics are for corporations and the insecure.

The new blogger has minimal web stats as an interface feature.  Kind of shitty because I log in to my account and there they are, these meaningless fucking statistics, complete with graphic charts.  What marble head has a tiny orgasm over this sort of data?

"34 page views today.  Feel validated."

The only good a forced stat counter has is seeing the terms searched to find my weak signal blog.  One person's search term: female masturbation at work.

Dear internet user, while I have masturbated on several occasions throughout my life, I do not have a vagina, nor have I encountered any vaginal masturbation while on the job   I believe it to be myth.  My apology for the momentary disappointment that is this blog.

The other search term people used to find my blog is "Jereme Dean".  Unsure why people keep googling my name.  I'm not important.  Shit, I hardly exist.  My ex-wife does like to keep tabs on my life because she's a big fan of my poetry, I guess--hi, Maggie!

Does a statistic exist to show the people who pronounce my name correctly when searching for it?

On an unrelated topic, when I smell an open jar of coconut oil a naked black girl materializes in my mindspace..

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