Thursday, July 12, 2012


Have you ever walked around your corn syrup city and thought, "Man, this is some bullshit.  Where's all the hot snatch?"  It's here, with me, in LA.

Hollywood is a pussy mecca.  No shit.  My favorite pastime is observing women.  Not creepy, but not clandestine either.  Feel like I'm an affable lecher.

I like to imagine a woman naked, but replace her vagina with a harmonica.  A large chunk of my mental process is spent debating if a particular instrument is petite or over-sized  and clown like.

Any sort of movement by the female form stupefies me.  Running or jogging, dancing, fighting, whatever.  My brain shuts down all auxiliary function.  I could watch hips until I die.

Anyways, what blogs are worth reading these days?  I never stopped reading Sam Pink's blog.  Ani Smith has a blog--she is my friend and has a sensational harmonica, I think; pretty sure hers can sing two tunes at once, too.  Oh yeah, Blake Butler still has a blog.

Please don't recommend tumbler pages.  I hate tumbler.  All white space and picture overload isn't for me, unless it's a page of nothing but cock pictures.  I'm cool with that.  But the page has to have all sizes represented.  Massive cocks are only so interesting when those are all a person peeps.

Is Xenga still a decent place to hook-up with suicidal, under-aged girls?  Hope so.  For all our sake.

What should I read, fags?

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