Monday, July 23, 2012


Let's talk more about the search query "Jereme Dean".

Every 6-8 months I google my name.  It's not like a calendar reminder is set.  Usually, what happens is I wonder if people are talking bullshit about me and check the internet.

I found a video on tumblr EE did.  The video is her reading a story I like from the Fast Machine anthology while wearing jean shorts and an american flag bikini top.  Fuck yeah.  The video is here.

I also found a blog named Deathcapades because of a post mentioning my name. At first I thought the blog author had a pussy.  After reading more posts I thought maybe the author was a guy/girl team.  Now I think maybe it's just a guy pretending to be a girl, or a girl pretending to be a guy.  Unsure, really. 

Having a difficult time believing a woman is capable of a sense of humor like the deathcapades author has.


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