Sunday, February 10, 2013


Sam Pink has a new novel out called RONTEL.  It's really good.  You can buy the physical book from Lazy Fascist or the ebook from some assholes in New York.  I suggest you buy the tangible version because the cover art is half the fun.

If I was asked to blurb the book--which i wasn't because I hold no significance in the reading or publishing community--my blurb would be "Rontel is like sucking your own dick while mother cheers you on."

Sam Pink recently released a book of short stories to his blog (Gerald McClellan vs Nigel Benn).  Rumor is LF feels confusion about the internet release and wonders if Sam still likes them. 

I don't know.

What I do know is some dude decided to make a print version of the book.  But I don't know what his name is or where he lives or what he's about.  But I do know an unpublished interview I did with Sam will be in the printed book.  Like, dvd bonus feature type of shit.

Here are some questions from the interview:

I heard a rumor that Greg Sherl enjoys beating women for pleasure. Which made me wonder what type of kink Sam Pink is in to.  Are you a bread and butter kind of guy in the bedroom or what.

Please provide your dick measurements.

The writing community is a society of little punks with perfect teeth.  It's mind blowing.  Who do you think is the biggest bitch of them all?  My choice is Steve Roggenbuck.  Like, can anyone get any fucking lamer than that dude.  For real.

If you could be the angel of death for one relative, who would it be.

Have you had any additional homosexual experiences since the first.

Just kidding.  Only two of those questions are in the interview.

You can pre-order Gerald here.

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