Thursday, February 7, 2013


Apparently, there's an ex-police officer/ex-military dude named Chris running around my beloved city shooting at LAPD personnel.

I feel really good about this.

A bully with no fear in the heart is the worst type.

More people should shoot cops in their stupid faces, I think.

The screws are swarming the city, frantically looking for their hunter.

The media has warned any innocent person owning a car similar to the one driven by the pig killer to be safe and stay home.

Avoid accidental death.

In other words, the LAPD has made it very clear that they're on a shoot first basis with any person matching Chris's description.

Seems legit.

A manifesto was posted.

In it a value system created ranking which officers are top priority.

The thing makes a lot of sense to me.  I mean, if you ignore the typos and super loon shit.
Here are some quotes:

An enemy who embraces death is a lose, lose situation for their enemy combatants.
I am the walking exigent circumstance you created.
Let the balance of loss of life take place.
Sometimes humans feel a need to prove they are the dominant race of a species and they inadvertently take kindness for weakness from another individual. You chose wrong.

You are a high value target.

To those children of the officers who are eradicated, your parent was not the individual you thought they were. As you get older,you will see the evidence that your parent was a tyrant who loss their ethos and instead followed the path of moral corruptness. They conspired to hide and suppress the truth of misconduct on others behalf’s. Your parent will have a name and plaque on the fallen officers memorial in D.C. But, In all honesty, your parents name will be a reminder to other officers to maintain the oath they swore and to stay along the shoreline that has guided them from childhood to that of a local, state, or federal law enforcement officer.
You will now live the life of the prey.
I have the strength and benefits of being unpredictable, unconventional, and unforgiving. Do not waste your time with briefs and tabletops.

You can read the whole document here.

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